On Friday 5th May the children at St Katharine’s Primary school staged a mock Coronation at St Katharine’s Church. With the help of our Vicar, the Reverend Michael McHugh, we held a walk and talk through of the various stages of the service. Our Year 6 children talked us through each of the elements that we will see on Saturday 6th May, in the real Coronation, and took various key roles, namely the King, Queen and Archbishop.
Everyone came dressed for a wedding, including our parent congregation. There were knights, princesses, army captains, Brownies, Guides and Cubs in our midst and quite a few fascinating fascinators!
It was a joyful occasion. Everyone came back to school for coffee and Coronation themed cakes, kindly made for us by member of our PTA committee.
We enjoyed a picnic, street party style, lunch, more cake and a ‘best in show’ crown parade. It was a great end to a very busy week!