We elect a new Eco Council each year in October. The children write manifestos and present these to their classes. When voting for the Eco Council we talk about the qualities we are looking for in the children that will be representing us. It is important that the children voted for will take time to listen and represent the views of the class thoughtfully and accurately.

We set up the hall as a polling station and everyone has a chance to vote for their favourite 2 candidates. Our votes are secret just like the votes we will have when we are 18 and able to vote in parlimentary elections and local elections.
The children at St. Katharine’s know that having the right to vote and chose a school council member is what it feels like to be a part of a Democracy.
Our School Council representatives this year are:
Freddie Parkinson
Elise Walker
Leo Franklin
Jessica Spencer
Isla Hines
Esme Lacey
Clemmie Gooch