By Oliver & Toby – Year 6
This term Sycamore Class, year 5 & 6, have been busy with a design technology food block. Our design brief was to create a new Smoothie, brand it, create a label for the bottle and an advert to accompany it. We then worked in our pairs to present our smoothie to a panel of judges – Dragon’s Den style.
After a visit to The Milk Yard, where we learned about the journey of milk from soil to bottle, we had to begin choosing flavours and designing our own brand.
Anne at the Milk Yard then provided us with the delicious milk to make our smoothies and the bottles to put it in. The milk from The Milk Yard is very locally produced and has no food miles. Mr Homer and Anne Homer (local farmers) also joined our panel of judges, alongside Mrs Spencer and Ms Jones.
We all worked hard, and the judges were impressed with everyone’s hard work, ideas and brands. Some of our catchy brand names included Super Smoothie, Very Berry Smoothie and a whole lot more. It was like an episode of Dragon’s Den but much more fun – although presenting to the judges was a little scary.
We also want to say big thankyou to the Milk Yard for their help, milk and being some of our judges.