Wiltshire Air Ambulance came to visit the whole school on the 11th December. We learnt what to do in an emergency, how to do CPR, how to use an automatic emergency defibrillator (AED), how to put someone in the recovery position and what do to if someone is choking.
We spent a lot of time doing CPR on the dummies, working in groups to make the flashing lights turn green – the green lights told us we were pressing hard enough and at the correct rhythm.
We have all learnt how to help someone in need, to give them more chance of survival before the paramedics come. However, before you help, you have to check for danger in the area, to ensure that you don’t get injured as well.
We also learnt that there are a shocking number of hoax calls made to 999. These mean that the Emergency Services can’t focus on more serious, genuine accidents and this could be putting people’s lives at risk.
We all enjoyed the visit, as it was an inspiring, hands on session, and we have all learnt a lot! We were only a little disappointed they didn’t arrive in their helicopter!
By Freja, Lottie and Eva
Year 5/6 news crew