Children’s Mental Health Week is all about your emotions and how you deal with things mentally. We learnt about how we can sometimes hurt on the outside, physically, and on the inside, mentally.
Mentally hurt can mean feeling: sad, insecure, vulnerable or worried. If you’re ever worried, make sure to tell a trusted adult or friend who you can trust. Everyone feels worried or insecure sometimes – and that’s okay.
The whole school had an assembly where we discussed some topics such as: finding your brave, different ways of feeling hurt and the difference between mental and physical hurt. We were also shown some slides of injured, bandaged people (and teddy bears!), some sad people and some people who looked perfectly fine. We learnt that you can’t always see when people are hurting.
Mental Health Week was from Monday 3rd of February to Sunday 9th February 2020.
By Eva and Oyshi
Year 5/6 News Reporters