We continue to take part in lots of extra-curricular activities that we hope add a rich dimension to the subjects already taught in school. Those of you with children in Chestnut Class will know that they entered a dance competition a little while ago the first round of which was to be judged by none other than Dame Darcy Bussell herself (pause for gasps of excitement).
We received confirmation that we had indeed reached the ‘Regional Finals’ which are to be held in Salisbury Cathedral during the half term holiday. As you can imagine Chestnut Class along with the rest of the school and very excited to have got to this stage. We look forward to a fantastic day out in Salisbury on 31st May and of course getting to see Darcy Bussell in the flesh!
The judging criteria were all about energy, enthusiasm and enjoyment. I had seen Chestnut Class perform their dance several times and you knew that Darcey couldn’t fail to come away from the performance with a bit more joy in her heart!
We were up against some tough competition, some of the competitors were from Dance Clubs as opposed to a whole class performance, and there were competitors considerably older than the children in Chestnut Class.
Waiting for the announcement as to who had won was a little agonising to say the least, but when we heard that we had won there were screams of delight (loudest being from the St Katharine’s parents who had come to watch).
A huge well done to the children for all of their effort and to Mrs Arnold for identifying the opportunity and making it happen. It was a truly memorable day!