In Sycamore class, we have been designing, building and coding Mars Rovers (space buggies) in our design and technology block of learning. The Mars Rovers are controlled by a Microbit and can also be remote controlled from a second Microbit. They can move forward and backwards (some better than others) and they are driven by an elastic band attached to an axle and a motor. The Mars Rover’s lights (lightbulbs and LEDs) turn on and off and are also controlled by code. We have worked in mixed year 5 and year 6 pairs and a couple of threes. We used: wood, a motor, bulbs, LEDs, a lot of wire, wheels, a Microbit and a Microbit motor driver board, to create these. The whole class has really enjoyed this project, learnt a lot and would do it again.
Written by Isla (Year 6), Vesper (Year 5) and Fianna (Year 5)