Despite the weather we have enjoyed a lovely final day of Term 4. Starting with the Easter Service where we retold the story of the Three Trees. The children sounded wonderful, filling the church with their voices. We were meant to enjoy an extended playtime outside in the Spring sunshine while our parents enjoyed coffee and hot cross buns and watched our Easter Bonnet Parade. The weather had other ideas and so with torrential rain and gusts of 40mph, we enjoyed a wet playtime indoors and held our Easter Bonnet Parades in our classrooms. Mr Sandall and Ms Jones had the very tricky task of judging the entries with a prize allocated for each year group. After much deliberation the winners were as follows:
Jessie Hanson – Reception
Ollie Howell – Year 1
William Kerr – Year 2
Freddie Parkinson – Year 3
Olivia Eeles – Year 4
Jack Wilson Storey – Year 5
Sydney Davidson – Year 6
Thank you to everyone for supporting your children to take part – the bonnets really were quite a brilliant spectacle – making the judging VERY difficult indeed!