If your child is due to start school in September 2021 and you would like to come and see our school in action, please call the school office 01672 870492 and we will arrange a time for you to visit.
We are of course adapting our approach to prospective parent visits, in response to Covid 19 and as such ask that if you would like to book a visit you bring a mask along with you. Your visit will begin with an introductory talk with Ms Jones (headteacher) and then brief visits to classrooms so that you can see for yourself the excellent behaviour and attitudes to learning of our children.
There will be an opportunity to see the outdoor learning area and ask any questions that you might have. We have a small woodland area very close to the school, please bring a coat and wellies and you will have the opportunity to independently visit the woodland (after your visit) if you would like to.
We have an open day planned for later in the Autumn Term but at this stage are not in a position to know if this will go ahead in its usual format.
Please return to this page on the website to read any updates or access other materials that will help you to find out more about us.
Please find a copy of our ‘Brief Guide’ here. A copy is given to parents to take away at the end of the visit.